Date: 24th & 25th August 2024
Location: Faversham Recreation Ground
Funded By: Swale Borough Council
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As a part of the annual Open Faversham heritage festival, the site of the town’s long lost recreation ground bandstand was brought to life over the bank holiday with pavement chalk art. Parents and children using the park worked with artist Andy Evans, drawing on the tarmac to create a cacophony of musical instruments combining with a chalk image of the old bandstand. The weekend re-kindled many fond memories from the older passers-by, and a new curiosity of the park’s unseen history from the younger generations.
On Sunday approx. 20 people took part in contributing to the art work, mainly parents and their children. Approximately the same number of passers-by stopped to find out about the old bandstand, attracted by the art activity.
Participants and passers-by comments:
“Can I really join in doing some art with my children?!?”
“I remember the bandstand being here when I was a child, it did draw the crowds.”
“I used to play a trumpet way back when I was in the army, can I try drawing one now?“